Our Team

Adam Gowen

Centre Manager

Adam is a Wiradjuri man who is passionate about the Shoalhaven and Higher Education. Having lived in Ulladulla for over 25 years he is keenly aware of the obstacles local university students face. He holds a first class honours degree in Indigenous Studies (UOW), and a Graduate Certificate in Theology from Indigenous perspectives (University of Divinity/Whitley College/NAIITS). He has previously worked in a variety of roles for UOW including as Indigenous Future Student and Community Engagement Ambassador for Batemans Bay and Bega campuses, and as a tutor in the Indigenous Studies and Sociology disciplines. His dedication and effectiveness in this space has been recognised by the awarding of the (UOW) Vice-Chancellors Award for Excellence in Community Engagement (2018), and the Woolyungah Indigenous Centre Commitment to Regional Students Award (2019).

Amy Lawry

Operations Assistant

As a visual artist Amy started her career over twenty years ago as a Graphic Designer specialising in branding and identity design. Her interest in marketing led her deeper into the dynamics of business and management where she has invested her time for the last 5 years. With a passion for the performing arts and music industries she started The Deadly South, a local not-for-profit organisation aimed at creating viable and sustainable futures for Shoalhaven-based creatives. With regional accessibility at the heart of what she does Amy is a wonderful addition to our team.

Dr. Brendan Riddick

LSA (Learning Skills Advisor)

Brendan has been actively engaged in education in the Shoalhaven region for twenty years. After completing an honours degree (first class) at UOW’s Batemans Bay Campus in 2008, Brendan received an APA scholarship to complete a PhD through the School of Media and Communication Studies at UOW’s Faculty of Arts. During this time Brendan taught primarily in History and Politics at UOW and was successful in gaining publications in peer-reviewed journals and presented a paper at the International Conference on Communication and Conflict in Eastern Europe which resulted in the publication of a book chapter on the communication of political violence during the Iraq war. Between 2015 and 2022 Brendan taught senior Modern History, Society and Culture, and Aboriginal Studies at Ulladulla High School and is currently lecturing and tutoring in International Politics and History on UOW’s Wollongong campus.

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Carly McTavish

Widening Participation Officer

As one of CUC Southern Shoalhaven’s first students, Carly has lived experience with the invaluable benefits the Centre offers students in the local community. In 2023, she graduated with her second Bachelor’s degree - a Bachelor of Arts with double major in sociology and creative writing - and began working as the Widening Participation Officer at CUC Southern Shoalhaven.

With a passion for equity and social justice issues, Carly has worked in communications in the not-for-profit sector for the past 15 years in the First Nations health and education, housing and sexual consent sectors. Carly also works as a freelance writer and sessional tutor for the school of arts and media at the University of New South Wales (UNSW).

Sophie Linehan

Community Engagement Co-ordinator

Sophie has a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Natural Resource Management and Geography, from the Australian National University (ANU). She has lived in rural communities for most of her life and has been in the Southern Shoalhaven region since 2021.

Sophie is passionate about helping people, with a strong dedication to inclusivity, equality and mental health and wellbeing. She has worked in federal bushfire recovery for her local town of Jindabyne, as well as for a nation-wide First Nations grass-roots health promotion charity. Assisting and supporting remote and rural communities is something she has been a part of for many years and is excited to continue within Ulladulla and surrounds.

Sophie is an environmental advocate and volunteers with a local charity on local projects to improve the local environment and communities. She is also a performing member of the Milton Follies, a local theatre production group based in Milton.

Our Board

Wayne Dedden


Wayne currently enjoys working with the Board and management of Country Universities Centre Southern Shoalhaven as their Chair. He has resided in Mollymook Beach for over 35 years and is driven by equity and access to local services. Now a Director with Jarrah Partners Group P/L, Wayne was formerly Managing Director of Corporate Connexions International – primarily an organisational behaviours consultancy engaged in many varied workforce projects. His local interests also included a role as Chair of Woodstock Financial Services Ltd which operates the two local Bendigo Community Banks at Milton and Sussex Inlet where their main purpose was to ‘Help our Locals Build Better Lives’. He has previously worked as an Operational Commander with NSW Police throughout their Southern Region.

Libby Davies


Libby Davies AM has had a long career in education, community and social policy sectors, holding leadership and senior executive positions. She is a resident of the Shoalhaven and passionate about supporting and working with the community to enhance social, economic and environmental wellbeing.

Libby has been responsible for transformative social change programs and building whole of community capacity to be the drivers of positive social change and gender equality. She was the inaugural CEO of White Ribbon Australia (White Ribbon), Australia’s national primary prevention organisation with a particular focus on engaging men to be active drivers of social change to stop men's violence against women, retiring in July 2018. Libby has previously held CEO positions in national organisations such as Family Services Australia, UnitingCare Australia and Brain Injury Australia. Libby has also served on numerous national, ministerial, state and NFP boards, including the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare and as Chair of UnitingCare NSW/ACT; and advisory councils; and has been extensively involved in national curriculum development across secondary and tertiary platforms.

She is currently also on the Board of the Maggie Beer Foundation and South Pacific Heathland Trust Ulladulla. In 2015 Libby was awarded the NSW ‘For Purpose and Social Enterprise’ Telstra Women in Business Award, winner in the 2016 100 Women of Influence Awards and finalist in University of Newcastle National Leadership Alumni Awards. In 2018 she was awarded Member of the Order of Australia (AM) in recognition of her service to the community through leadership and advisory roles. She is a graduate of the University of Newcastle, University of Sydney and completed the AICD’s course.

Paul Goodwin

Non-Executive Director

Paul Goodwin is currently a Senior Project Officer with the NSW Department of Education. Paul’s role is to work across local high schools on the South Coast and Industry employers to strengthen relationships, build partnerships to education young people on the career and work opportunities across industry partners. Paul works closely with industry and community groups such as the Business Chambers, Shoalhaven Defence Industry Group, various Local, State and Federal Government agencies, Employment Service and Education/Training providers, facilitating projects that meet future workforce and industry needs. Paul has been the former Chair of Shoalhaven Workplace Learning Program and The Far South Coast Gateway strategy leadership group, former committee member for Regional Development Australia Far South Coast, Shoalhaven Business Chamber, NSW South East Regional Leadership Group AND Local Planning Committee for the Regional Jobs Investment Package.
Paul has an extensive background in Tertiary and Vocational Education and Training, Business Development, Community and Regional development. Prior to this role, Paul was the Senior Manager for TAFE NSW, managing the campuses across the three Local Government areas of the South Coast region for the former Illawarra Institute, managing the physical and human resources to deliver training for up to 10 000 annual student enrolments annually and Project Manager for Regional Development Australia – Far South Coast.

Denise Lofts

Non-Executive Director

An Australian Comm Bank Teaching Award Fellow, Denise has been a passionate and influential educator in NSW Public Schools for over 34 years. She has successfully taught across a diverse range of schools, Inner City, Western Sydney to remote rural locations, her breadth of experience has enriched her educational experience and influence. Currently, Denise is the principal of Ulladulla High School, President of the Secondary Principals Illawarra South Coast and Deputy President of NSW Secondary Principals, she has been focussed on equity for all public school students, by having access to the best education possible.
Her innovation is reiterated through her numerous research scholarships, awarded the NSW Premiers PWC Leadership Scholarship and Department of Education Leadership Fellowship to research professional practices that supports future global learning. On completing her Masters, at UTS, Denise is currently working on her Doctorate with UNSW, researching how philanthropic support enhances equity in rural education.

Violet Green

Non-Executive Director

Violet Green is a Walbunga woman, from the Yuin Nation of NSW. Violet has spent most of her working life in roles to improve the lives of others and growing economic and educational opportunities in the region.
Violet holds a BA from the University of Wollongong and currently works as a Regional Investment Officer in Jervis Bay Territory. Violet brings a comprehensive understanding of government, education, and employment to the to the CUC Southern Shoalhaven Board.
In 2011 Violet was awarded a Secretary’s Excellence Award from the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations in recognition of her holistic and innovative practices, vision and leadership, for place-based work at Wreck Bay and throughout South Eastern NSW.

Gina Haddad

Non-Executive Director

Gina is a passionate advocate for equity and access to higher education with deep ties to the local area. As a former Ulladulla high School student, she has called the area home since 1985. After a successful career as a professional athlete, coach and coach developer, Gina moved into sport leadership. She has since held various executive NSO roles including, National Education Manager, Director of Development and High Performance Panel member. Her experience includes fostering strategic partnerships, managing stakeholder relationships with various organisations and funding bodies including the AIS, AOC, curriculum development, and strategic oversight of Olympic and World Championship campaigns.

Gina has a Master’s degree in Education from the University of Sydney and recently completed her Doctorate for which she was awarded the USYD Vice Chancellor’s Research Scholarship. Gina’s innovative research on the role of empowerment and social identity in leadership of high performing teams has been published in International peer reviewed journals and she has presented at a number of International Conferences. Since 2015 Gina has taught in the Education faculty at the University of Sydney at both undergraduate and post graduate level. She currently provides leadership consultancy services to professional and NFP sporting organisations. Gina has completed the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) Foundations of Directorship.

John Broughton


I originally joined Tailor-Made Financial Services in 2005 as a Financial Advisor specialising in paraplanning. In 2015 I became a director and now as a Certified Financial Planner®, I provide holistic financial advice on Self Managed Super Funds (SMSFs), superannuation, retirement planning and investment advice.
With a strong interest in finance since studying Economics in high school, Financial Planning particularly appealed to me as it provided me with the tools to manage my own finances and also be able to pass on this knowledge to others. This ultimately helps reduce the client’s financial stress giving them the freedom to focus on what they enjoy doing.

I moved to Milton-Ulladulla in 2008 after commuting from Nowra for two years. I love living in a country town near the beach where I only have a short drive to work. Out of the office you will find me participating in community activities with Apex and the Milton Ulladulla Business Chamber or spending time with my family and friends. I have been the Treasurer of Apex since 2011 and on the Executive Committee of the Milton-Ulladulla Business Chamber since 2015.

Previous Board Members

Dr. James Walker

Robert Richards

Paul Ell

Country Universities Centre Southern Shoalhaven